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Site Of the Moment:
Babytown top100
Ranking of sites for kids and parents: subscribe free!

Rank Title and Description In Out
41 Shalom Adonai Portal Cristiano
0 0
Portal Cristiano, Chat Cristiano, Sermones, Musica cristiana, amigos cristianos, consejeria biblica, consejeria cristiana, material cristiano, juegos cristianos, juegos biblicos, Biblia Gratis,Temas b
42 Fun Fonix - free phonics and reading printables
0 0
Free phonics workbooks, free clipart for phonics worksheets, free phonics worksheet makers with images and printables for your reading and spelling lessons
43 Baby Bears Daycare
0 0
daycare home and lots more of info for daycare providers and parents.
44 Interactive Clock
0 0
Free analogue and digital clock worksheets, large analogue countdown clocks with music, word and letter jumbles and more! Encourage and inspire your pupils with our fun teaching resources. Ideal for interactive whiteboards!
45 Fun with Kids
0 0
Loads of creative activities and games for kids. Have fun learning how to play instruments and read music easily. Get helpful tips about parenting and child behaviour. Read and share funny stories about kids.
46 Your English Cafe
0 0
Welcome to Your English Cafe! This is your complete resource for learning and teaching English.
For teachers we offer teaching tips, games and ideas, free printable worksheets to job listings
47 Anger Management and Parenting Articles
0 0
Free anger management articles, parenting articles,
and other mental health articles are provided courtesy of Dr. Lyle Becourtney and his colleagues.
48 Mathemania
0 0
Mathemania is a place where students can learn math lessons with ease, download free math worksheets and play math games.
49 GrammarBase
0 0 provides free checking for spelling and grammar errors. This tool is also ideal for those trying to learn English.
50 Sites For Teaching
0 0
Educational websites ranked by popularity
51 Easy Pace Learning
0 0
Learning Basic English, to Advanced Over 500 On-Line Lessons and Exercises Free
52 Easy Games for Young Children
0 0
Lots of Easy Games for Young Children, Toddlers and Babies. Educational, Fun and Easy to play. They are even Switch Accessible and great for the Inclusive Classroom.
0 0 is the most comprehensive resource for Teachers and Scholastic overseers of young Americans for Educational Trip Planning. We are the 1 stop place for ideas for planning your next School
54 Laurie's Lil' Tyke 100 Top Sites
0 0
Visit your favorite child care sites, classroom sites, early education resource sites!
55 ESL Phonics World
0 0
ESL phonics resources site: phonics worksheets, phonics flashcards, phonics games, phonics songs and phonics paper crafts.
56 Origami Airplanes
0 0
Interactives 3D animations to fold +50 models of paper airplanes and paper boats.
57 Aves World Best Bird Sites
0 0

Educational resources. Bird information. Products for pet birds. Shop online. Magazines. Aviculture. Conservation. Family friendly.
58 Select My Tutor
0 0
Select My Tutor is a UK based tutoring website that is useful for students to search experienced and well qualified private tutors for tutoring help. Students can select tutors based on your location
59 Care Like Mum
0 0
Find the best baby product reviews on Care Like Mum blog. Buying the best for baby is a duty for every mother, which we help them achieve.
60 Lingbase
0 0
Learn English grammar online with hundreds of highly targeted exercises.

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